Sunday, March 15, 2009

Some stuff I have found interesting recently...

Awakening to the Blob - review of Mediated: How the Media Shapes Your World and The Way You Live In It by Thomas deZengotita - the interview at the end is very provocative -

Answer Cancer - ebook by Stephen Parkhill - he asserts that cancer is caused by a subconscious self-mutilation program that activates sometime between conception and 4 yrs of age.

Creation as an Unfolding Reality - a discussion of evolution and (not versus) creation

Two columnists with the San Francisco Chronicle - Jon Carroll - - warm, fuzzy - sometimes it's a cat column! and Mark Morford - - edgy, satirical & sarcastic - a fun read.

The Practicing Mind by Thomas M. Sterner - "Bringing Discipline and Focus Into Your Life" - this is an actual book that you can hold in your hands and curl up with on the couch. How quaint is that? Marvelous insights into how we learn (and how we set ourselves up for failure). Haven't finished it yet. You can read some of it on - bring up the book, go to Search Inside & push "Surprise Me" as many times as you can.

Vesey's Seed Catalogue - yes, it's time!! I no longer order from Vesey's but love to cruise the catalogues to get ideas of what to look for at the local garden centres...

The living-room looks like a greenhouse - geraniums are huge, fuchsia on the window ledge are sprouting profusely after their cold/dark winter dormancy and canna lilies are just starting to grow. They, along with a large parlor palm, will all go outside when it's warm enough. In the yard daylilies are sprouting and sedum "Autumn Joy" are peeking up. Everything else is still way buried under the snow. The ice on Tatamagouche Bay remains completely frozen, but within a few weeks it will be quite different.

Gonna go make sure the birds and squirrels have enough to eat.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle

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