Friday, June 12, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different

Boomeritis - a novel that will set you free
Ken Wilber

Movin' on - just read first two pages of this book and know I'm gonna love it...

"I am the bastard child of two deeply confused parents, one of whom I am ashamed of, the other of whom is ashamed of me. None of us are on speaking terms, for which we are all grateful. (These things bother you, every now and then.) My parents are intimately conjoined in their displeasure with the present; both want to replace it - quickly - with a set of arrangements more suited to their inclinations. One wants to tear down; the other to build up. You might think they were made for each other, would go together, hand in hand, a marriage made in transformational heaven. Years after the divorce, none of us is so sure.

I am cursed with an eye from each, and can hardly see the world at all through two orbs that refuse to cooperate; cross-eyed I stare at that which is before me, a Picasso universe where things don't quite line up. Or perhaps I see more clearly precisely because of that? My father's eyeball in my head sees a world of pluralistic fragmentation, ready to disintegrate, leaving in its riotous wake a mangled mass of human suffering historically unprecedented. My mother's eye sees quite another world, yet every bit as real; we are increasingly becoming one global family, and love by any other name seems the driving force.

I share neither of their views; or, rather, I share them both, which makes me nearly insane. Clearly twin forces, though not alone, are eating away at the world: planetization and disintegration, unifying love and corrosive death-wishes, bonding kindness and disjointing cruelty, on a colossal scale. And the bastard, schizophrenic, seizure-prone son sees the world as if through shattered glass, moving his head slowly back and forth while waiting for coherent images to form, wondering what it all means.

"don't mean shit"
- Mr. Natural (High Times comics)


1 comment:

  1. Wow........this is one I think I would like to read...more excerpts please.....
