Monday, June 15, 2009

The Person Behind Myself

When it comes to introspection, how many versions of yourself do you listen to?

Checking out the SoulPancake site, came across this interesting post touching on coincidence, synchronicity, ego vs soul, forgiveness and the idea of "multiple selves". The article concludes with discussion on how we might navigate the route from powerless to powerful, inviting comments on the question, "When you are struck by a random event, how do you mentally turn things around for yourself?"

"So, looking at random events as something not random at all, but rather events you drew to yourself as the result of prevalent thought patterns will show you more and more the power your thoughts truly have."

In the magical universe there are no coincidences
and there are no accidents.
Nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen.
- William S. Burroughs



  1. I like SoulPancake......Thanks for introducing the picture attached to the article on introspection....

  2. Yeah, that's what it feels like, isn't it - shit, just shot myself in the eye
