Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Pull of the Possible

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." - Albert Einstein

We hear a lot these days about learning to be in the present moment, and that is very good advice. But, like Andrew Cohen, I am more powerfully attracted to the moment right after that - to what's next? what's possible? where can we go from here? how far?

In this EnlightenNext Blog post, Cohen envisions "... a worldspace that is humming and thriving with the unique vibrancy that is the authentic expression of what I call the Evolutionary Impulse. I'm referring to Eros, that powerful vertical thrust in the cosmos, which created and is still creating the entire universe, including you and me.

When we awaken to the primordial movement of this impulse at the core of our being, we become aware of a part of ourselves that is untouched by anything and everything that has ever occurred within the sphere of our personal and psychological experience. This part of ourselves is always ecstatically and urgently compelled towards the as-yet-unmanifest future and is ever-focused on that alone ... Because of what is becoming visible on the horizon of our inner vision, we are captivated by the immediacy of the potential within our reach. And that in and of itself is quite marvelous, wonderful and spiritually enlivening indeed."

A comment from Gayle: "What if... 'the possible' is pulling us forward into our next evolution and there is nothing we can do or not do to hasten or stop it? What if it only appears that we are creating the future at the leading edge but in actuality each of us is perfectly positioned, uniquely designed for this moment in apparent time ... and we are That which designs it all. What an amazing game that would be! It seems the moment I fall into the grace of presence, it all unfolds perfectly. Hmmm...."

and whether or not it is clear to you
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should
- Desiderata

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