Monday, August 23, 2010

Rescue Yourself

Why you need to abandon your rescue fantasy

Dave Navarro has hit the nail on the head again.  Rescue fantasies are so subtle and insidious we seldom realize that we are buying into them, let alone being aware enough to look further and discover how we use them to shield ourselves from the brilliance of our own unlimited potential.

When we catch ourselves repeatedly using phrases like "if only..." or "someday..." or "when things are different...", those are cues that we are stuck in a rescue fantasy or wishful thinking.  We are convincing ourselves that there is something outside ourselves - something we think we don't have - that will make us happy.

When we cling to our rescue fantasy, we make life more difficult.

This excellent post by Dave links us to a blog post from Mahala Mazerov entitled Suffering by Desire, which starts:
At the most basic level, the definition of suffering is wanting things to be different than the way they are.
Abandoning the fantasy of some conditional future happiness connects us with the present moment, which already contains everything we need.  And this discovery brings a wonderful feeling of freedom and possibility as we realize that our happiness is in our own hands, that we can cultivate the practice of gratitude for everything we have right now.

Seek not happiness too greedily, and be not fearful of happiness.
- Lao-tzu (604-531 BC)


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