Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Waiter, There's a Fly in my Trash

Why Dumpster Diving will save the planet
Browsing through the latest offerings from Reality Sandwich, came across this article by Jill Ettinger.  She starts with the teaser:

Americans throw away nearly 100 billion pounds of food every year - almost as much as we eat.  In Dive!, filmmaker Jeremy Seifert set out to find out why supermarkets are letting perfectly edible food end up in dumpsters instead of being donated to starving people.  What he discovered will shock you.

What really surprised me was that they're not talking about spoiled food or leftovers scraped off plates at fancy restaurants - what supermarkets are tossing into the dumpsters is perfectly good, fresh meat, milk, eggs and vegetables which often have not even reached their expiry date.

You can read her full interview with Jerry Seifert HERE,  watch a trailer for the film HERE, and learn more about what's being done (and what you can do) around the issue of food waste HERE.

For me, an important first step to really caring about the issue of food waste was hopping in a dumpster, bringing home the food, and eating it. Eating trash is a subversive act. It goes against a culture of over-consumption and gratuitous wastefulness. Experience that initial rush, shame, fear, and exhilaration of "stealing" trash and eating it will change you in good ways.
- Jeremy Seifert.


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