Monday, April 26, 2010

Radical Indeterminacy

An Invitation from Andrew Cohen:

In our most evolutionarily enlightened moments, we directly experience the truth of the fact that we are all truly on a cosmic journey.  When we literally begin to feel the telos*, or directionality, of the entire process moving in and through our own nervous system, this is when we directly experience that movement as a vertical impulse in our own consciousness, way beyond our egos.  We see that where we are headed is never static or predetermined.

In every moment there is the possibility for something new.  This is what I have recently been calling "radical indeterminacy" - when we glimpse for ourselves the limitless nature of our own potential to evolve, infinitely and forever.
* Telos - the philosophical concept of purpose;
related to teleology, the study of design, purpose and intent.

Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe
- The Beatles


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